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Shared hosting

Shared hosting What is shared hosting? Shared hosting is the cheapest hosting option available. It is called shared hosting because all clients on the server share resources together. They are all on the hard drive; share the server’s ram and processing too. This is what makes this option so cheap; you can have a large […]

What is the main difference between a VPS and a dedicated server?

So what is the main difference between a VPS and a dedicated server? The main difference of a VPS and Dedicated Server is their resources and power. A VPS, doesn’t have the full use of the server’s resources. It is usually limited to one core of the processor and a limited amount of the total […]

Virtual Private Servers (VPS)

What is a VPS? Virtual Private Server (VPS):  is a smaller scale dedicated server. It is virtualized; this means it is not physical like a normal dedicated server. A virtual server is inside a dedicated server, which is why it is not as powerful or customizable as a dedicated server. Meaning, your site will occupy […]